Eckart Hydraulics saves more than 340 tons of CO2 annually

The mechanical engineering company from Germany switches completely to green electricity

The annual International Forest Day falls on 1st of March, and is proclaimed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations to draw attention to global forest destruction. Normally only very few trees sprout their leaves at this time of the year. But that is changing more and more – the reason is global warming. "That's why we absolutely need to do what is necessary to stop the climate change," says Markus Eckart. He is Managing Director of Eckart Hydraulics.


And that`s why the mechanical engineering company located in the middle of Germany switched to green electricity completely at the end of 2021. “Our electricity now comes to 100 percent from renewable energies. That is very important to us”, explains Markus Eckart. Eckart Hydraulics also installed a photovoltaic system on the rooftops, which generates around 133.000 kilowatt hours (kWh) annually. But there`s more: The company is also a member of the "Klimapakt für Schlüchtern", where it compensates the CO2 emissions to plant trees in the region.


Where these strategic decisions actually lead to, can be seen here: The estimated power consumption for 2022 at Eckart Hydraulics lays around 900.000 kWh. On average, 380 grams of CO2 are emitted for one kilowatt hour. That means: The switch to green energy saves 342 tons of CO2 per year.


And here`s another calculation: A beech tree can bind around 12,5 kilos of CO2 per year - so 80 trees are needed for one ton of CO2. And since Eckart Hydraulics switch to green energy, 27.360 trees can focus on the CO2 emissions of other companies.


At the end Markus Eckart emphasizes: “We believe that everyone has to do something to save our environment. And we are sure that everyone is able to. No matter how small the step, every single one is important.”